Where it grows
Kalanchoe luciae occurs in grassland and bushveld habitats in the northeastern provinces of South Africa. They grow on rocky slopes and not low-lying areas.
Special features
A mutant variegated form of Kalanchoe luciae. These plants have attractive yellow variegation, which can blush bright red with enough sunlight.
Care guide
Kalanchoe luciae is one of the easiest succulents to care for, and the same is true for this cultivar of the species. It requires plenty of light and should be grown in either full morning sun, or be kept in a greenhouse with no more than 20-40% shade cloth. This cultivar is not fussy about the soil mix it is planted in, but it should drain well and not stay wet for too long. A mix of coco peat and perlite is ideal. Water this plant well throughout the warmer months of the year, but reduce the amount of water given in winter.
Growing season
Summer and spring.