Tokara Rare Plant Fair 2024 - 26 October 08:00–16:00 - Stellenbosch
Haworthia is a genus of dwarf succulents closely related to Aloe and Gasteria. This genus is generally native to the Western and Eastern Capes of South Africa.
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This Haworthia hybrid has bumpy, somewhat rough leaf texture and triangular leaf shape.
Seed grown Haworthia dimorpha hybrid.
Medium variegated specimens of Haworthia truncata.
Seed grown specimens of Haworthia lockwoodii.
Seed grown plants of Haworthia variegata.
Haworthia bayeri hybrid seedlings.
A hybrid seedling of a select white form Haworthia splendens.
Seedlings of Haworthia bobii / Haworthia mirabilis v. pilosa.
Seedlings of Haworthia springbokvlakensis.
Haworthiopsis sordida is one of the slowest growing species of Haworthia. This species is black in colour, and has leaf surfaces that are somewhat rough.
Haworthiopsis longiana is one of the most distinctive in this family, with elongated, dark green leaves with minor white spots.
Extra large specimen plants of Haworthiopsis koemaniorum.
Tulista opalina is one of the most attractive Tulista species, with densely speckled, translucent-white tubercles and light green colour.
- Jolinda V
Baie dankie vir my pragtige kristaat!