Rare Plant Fair Calendar 2024

Living Desert Plants is primarily an online nursery, though we do have stalls at a variety of events throughout the year. If you want to meet us in person, then this is the list of rare plant fairs to attend for 2024!

Plant & Swap Festival

We will have a stall at the Plant & Swap Festival.

This event will take place on the 24th of February 2024, from 09:00 – 15:00 at the Klein Joostenberg Events venue, on the R304 heading towards the N1 out of Stellenbosch.

We will be joined by the Animal Anti Cruelty League, who will have some dogs and cats up for adoption. Due to this, no pets are allowed, but please bring any pet related donations.

Entry to the plant sale is free. Tickets for the plant swap are R50 and can be purchased online here.

Living Desert Plants Fair @ Exotic Animal World

We are hosting the first Living Desert Plants Fair at Exotic Animal World in Stellenbosch.

This will take place on the 2nd of June 2024 from 09:00 – 16:00 at Exotic Animal World, Klapmuts, Stellenbosch.

You can read more about this event on the Facebook event page.

This event is not pet friendly.

Cape Town Plant Expo and Market

We will have a stall at the Cape Town Plant Expo and Market.

This will take place on 3 August 2024 from 10:00 – 16:00 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC 1 P1 & P3).

You can read more about this event and purchase tickets here.

Pre-purchased access tickets are R55 (early bird) and R70 (normal price). Tickets can also be purchased on the day at the entrance for R80.

Boland Vetplantfees 2024

We will have a stall at the 3rd annual Boland Vetplantfees.

This will take place on 15 September 2024 from 08:00 – 16:00 at De Vines Pub & Restaurant, off R45, Paarl, Western Cape.

You can read more about this event on the Facebook event page here.

Hosted and organized by Juanita and Jan Jordaan.

Entry to the plant sale is free of charge.

Calitzdorp Vetplantfees / Succulent Festival 2024

We will have a stall at the 7th annual Calitzdorp Vetplantfees.

This will take place on the 20th – 22th of September 2024 from 09:00 – 17:00 (Sunday until 15:00) at Calitzdorp Station, Station Road, Calitzdorp.

You can read more about this event on the official website.

Hosted and organized by the Calitzdorp Succulent Society.

Entry to the plant sale is free of charge.

Stellenbosch Botanical Gardens Rare and Collectible Plant Market 2024 (SEPTEMBER 2024)

We will have a stall at the 3rd annual Stellenbosch Botanical Gardens Rare and Collectible Plant Market.

This event will take place on the 28 – 29th of September. This event has been moved to these dates so as not to coincide with the Tokara Rare Plant Fair.

Hosted and organized by Stellenbosch Botanical Gardens.

Entry fees are R15 for adults and R10 for seniors.

Tokara Rare Plant Fair 2024

We will have a stall at the annual Tokara Rare Plant Fair and Open Garden.

This event will take place on the 26th of October 2024, from 08:00 – 16:00 at the Tokara Wine Estate on the Helshoogte Pass, just outside Stellenbosch.

Hosted and organized by Tokara Wine Estate.

You can read more about this event on the official website.

Entry to the plant sale is R100 per car (free entry for children under the age of 10), and proceeds will be donated to Camphill Farm Community in Hermanus.

Garden Route Indigenous Plant Fair

We are attending the 2nd annual Garden Route Indigenous Plant Fair at the Garden Route Botanical Garden in George.

This event will take place on the 1-3rd of November 2024, from 10:00 – 16:00, at the Garden Route Botanical Garden.

There are only indigenous plants available at this event, and these will include rare succulents, orchids, carnivorous plants, indoor plants, Clivia, and more.

Hosted and organized by the Garden Route Botanical Garden.

Entry to the plant sale by itself is free of charge. Entry to the gardens area of the GRBG will be R20 per adult and R10 per child.

Garden Route Rare Plant Fair

We are hosting the first ever Garden Route Rare Plant Fair in association with the Garden Route Botanical Garden in George.

This event will take place on the 14-15th of December 2024, from 09:00 – 15:00, at the Garden Route Botanical Garden.

Plants available will include rare succulents, cacti, orchids, carnivorous plants, airplants, bromeliads, indoor plants, Clivia, and more.

Hosted and organized by Living Desert Plants in association with the Garden Route Botanical Garden.

Entry to the plant sale by itself is free of charge. Entry to the gardens area of the GRBG will be R20 per adult and R10 per child.

Are you hosting a rare plant fair in 2024?

If you are hosting a rare plant event, rare plant sale, rare plant fair, or succulent festival anywhere in the Western Cape, please feel free to contact us by clicking here. We would be happy to join!

- Annelize O

Het ook my tweede bestelling weereens vinnig en in puik toestand ontvang! Baie dankie, dit is net ‘n vreugde om die ‘moet-hê’-plante wat jy verkoop by my versameling te voeg.

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