Where it grows
The natural, non-variegated form of Haworthia cymbiformis is quite variable, and has a wide distribution across the entirety of the Eastern Cape of South Africa.
Special features
These special Haworthia cymbiformis have strong white variegation, which contrasts strongly with the normal green colouration of the plant.
Care guide
Haworthia are shade loving succulents and need to be kept under at least 60% shade cloth. This genus requires super gritty soil mixes and will thrive in a mixture involving Ibaraki Akadama and Hyuga pumice. Water them well throughout the year, particularly in autumn and spring, but make sure the soil dries out somewhat between each watering session. Do not water when the weather is overly hot as this may cause root rot.
Growing season
Autumn and spring months.
Leaves, seeds and offsets.